
AI in Wildlife Conservation Revolutionising Protection and Monitoring

Revolutionising Wildlife Protection: Discover How AI Empowers Conservationists

The Role of AI in Wildlife Conservation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming wildlife protection and monitoring by providing innovative solutions to tackle the biodiversity crisis and mitigate climate change. AI has been identified as one of the top three emerging technologies in conservation, enabling scientists, researchers, and rangers to protect species around the world.

Stopping Poachers with AI

In Zambia’s Kafue National Park, AI is being used to enhance anti-poaching efforts. The Connected Conservation Foundation, in collaboration with Game Rangers International (GRI) and Zambia’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife, has created a virtual fence across Lake Itezhi-Tezhi. AI-powered forward-looking infrared (FLIR) thermal cameras automatically detect boats entering the park, reducing the need for constant manual surveillance. This technology enables a handful of rangers to provide around-the-clock surveillance, protecting elephants and other wildlife from poachers.

Tracking Water Loss with AI

In Brazil, AI is helping monitor and address the loss of surface water in rivers, lakes, and wetlands. The MapBiomas water project, using machine learning (ML) algorithms, analyzed satellite images to identify water changes across the country. This technology provided a clear picture of the extent of water loss, enabling conservationists to take steps to protect Brazil’s biodiversity and communities.

Finding Whales with AI

Locating whales in vast oceans is challenging, but AI is making it possible through acoustic recordings. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) fisheries, in partnership with Google AI for Social Good, developed an ML model to recognise humpback whale songs. This comprehensive analysis of acoustic recordings helps scientists understand whale populations and their presence in different areas, supporting the establishment of marine protected areas.

Protecting Koalas with AI

Australia’s koala populations are declining due to various threats. AI is playing a crucial role in counting and monitoring koala populations. Using drones and infrared imaging, an AI algorithm rapidly analyses footage to identify koalas and other endangered animals. This technology allows conservation groups to survey large areas and gather data for effective conservation strategies.

Counting Species with AI

In the Congo basin, AI is helping save species on the brink of extinction. The Mbaza AI image classification algorithm, developed by Appsilon, the University of Stirling, and Gabon’s national parks agency (ANPN), analyses camera trap images to classify and monitor animals. This technology enables conservationists to quickly identify and track animals, detect anomalies, and take swift action to protect biodiversity.

AI is transforming wildlife conservation and protecting endangered species. AI’s ability to analyse vast amounts of data, detect threats, and monitor species is revolutionising the field of conservation. By harnessing the power of AI, we can work towards a sustainable future for wildlife and the planet.

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