
NFT & environmental protection

NFTs are making lately quite a fuss. The question is, how can this attention steer towards environmental issues? How can NFTs be used for environmental protection? We pointed out what is already out there and how to start with the subject. But first, let’s get through the basic term.

What is NFT?

NFT stands for “Non-Fungible Token”, which means they are simply unique digital goods that live on the blockchain. NFTs can be created for anything convertible into a digital format as digital art or any static image, video, sound, text, even tweet. Then again, we can copy files endlessly, therefore there are digital tokens (certificates) that function as ownership certificates for virtual assets. NFTs thus remain unique and forgery-proof.

How to find NFT that matters for the environment?

tldr.earth is a great place to look around, a reliable database of ‘impact NFTs’. We’re keeping track of exciting projects using blockchain to make the world a better place. Below we’ve selected a few projects that seem interesting to us.


Examples of NFTs supporting environmental protection

  • Mysterious Vegan
    Mysterious Vegan is a collection of 937 limited NFTs on the Solana blockchain. MV will create values with our world’s best artists. Throughout these profits, we will perpetuate our ecosystem, donate for animal protection, and support young artists to broaden their path to advance ourselves.
NFT Mysterious Vegan
NFT Mysterious Vegan
  • NFA Non-Fungible Animals
    A campaign by WWF. To raise awareness and funds for the conservation of ten endangered species, WWF created Non-Fungible Animals, or NFAs, a highly limited number of crypto artworks. All proceeds from the campaign will be used to save those ten acutely endangered species.
NFA Non-Fungible Animals
NFA Non-Fungible Animals
  • Woodies NFT
    Woodies is more than an avatar project. It is a story-driven, complex universe created by UltraDAO’s artist collective. The popularity of those NFT’s allowed for the donation to Trees for the Future to plant over 837,000 trees. That is one of the ten largest known charitable donations by an NFT project in history.
Woodies NFT
Woodies NFT

For all of you curious people, we wrote more. Check out our blog post about DAO. 

Sources & other recommended pages: